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Golf Mind Power For A Life Change
By: Randy Friedman
When you learn to get out of your own way, the world becomes an easier place. I believe when you go within, you won�t go without!
Hypnosis is a completely safe modality of therapy used frequently in sports (especially golf hypnosis) and personal development concepts. As a Motivational mind power speaker and Certified hypnotherpist, Randy knows how to help you get out of your own way. Here are some answers to questions that have arisen about gaining mind power through hypnosis.
1. What IS hypnosis?
Imagine a beautiful tropical beach in your mind, smell the salty ocean air, feel the warm breeze brush through your hair, see the gentle waves caress back and forth on the shore� this may be part of the induction used to bring you to a place of complete relaxation.
Hypnosis is NOT a �sleep� state even though a person in hypnosis may appear to be sleeping. Charles Tebbetts, a top teacher of hypnosis, defined hypnosis as, �There is no legal definition of hypnosis. Webster�s dictionary describes it incorrectly as an artificially induced sleep, but it is actually a natural state of mind and induced normally in everyday living much more often than it is induced artificially. Every time we become engrossed in a novel or a motion picture, we are in a natural hypnotic trance�.
As a Hypnotherapist I am more like a guide who facilitates the hypnotic process. My words guide the subject into a relaxed state of body and mind. Technically, a person experiencing hypnosis slows down their brain waves from BETA into ALPHA�and some people actually enter THETA during deep trance states. (THETA is normally the �dream� state we pass through on the way to and from DELTA�or deep sleep.) Interestingly enough, we all pass through ALPHA on the way to and from sleep, so in a sense all of us experience hypnosis at least twice daily.
Hypnosis is the heightened state of awareness where the conscious mind is bypassed, and the subconscious mind is brought into focus. When the subconscious mind is alert, positive suggestions are made for changes to take place.
Simply put, hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of mind, where suggestions are made to effect a desired change. It can also be thought of as �guided meditation.�
2. Does a hypnotized person lose control?
I hear this quite often and actually, it teaches you how to gain your mind power control. Remember the last time you watched a movie and you actually felt emotion? You were literally in a hypnotic trance, although you still have the power to come out from that state if you so desired. Your mind may be guided by a movie, TV show, self-hypnosis audio program, or Hypnotherapist, but YOU still have the power to resist.
Some people who seem to partially give up control of their minds (like in Stage Hypnosis), is because of a misunderstanding of who has the power. One can be TRICKED into believing that they have �given up control� in some forms of stage hypnosis. Always remember, �ALL HYPNOSIS IS SELF-HYPNOSIS.� You have the control of letting your conscious mind get into a deeply relaxed state. It�s important to realize the real power is�within OUR OWN MINDS! That is what MIND POWER is all about, learning to gain control of your thoughts.
Hypnosis is like a massage for the brain!
3. What does hypnosis feel like?
Since hypnosis is a natural state of mind, clients are often surprised that they hear every word. You may have a feeling of calm, and light (or weightless), or very heavy as if sinking into the chair. In a really deep state, the feeling may be euphoric for some, or almost like being intoxicated without the side effects. In the first session some only go into only a light state of trance, and may believe that he or she was not hypnotized. With progressive sessions, and trust is built, students usually let go and do go to deeper levels of trance, which can be more beneficial.
Certain abilities may be enhanced during the hypnotic process itself:
� The ability to IMAGINE
� The ability to REMEMBER
� CREATIVE abilities
� Receptiveness to SUGGESTIONS
The last ability creates the appeal of hypnosis as well as the fear of hypnosis to others. There is nothing to fear with a trusted professional. Here lies the real advantage in hypnotherapy. It is the capacity for the subconscious mind to accept suggestions while in a relaxed trance state that makes hypnosis so effective. It�s the reason top athletes, actors and politicians make use of it.
Golf Mind Power http://golfmindpower.com/category/womens-guide/
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Sometimes it's hard to stop your mind playing tricks during a round of golf. You think, "If I make this shot I've only got an easy putt to make a birdie". That's when things go wrong. You need to stay in the present. I do this by focusing on something like a red shirt in the crowd or a really beautiful tree. That might sound funny but it makes you think what is happening right now. Not what went before or what is going to happen.
...BBC golf
The simple way to learn the proper feel of your swing center is to place a golf ball on the ground and, with sun to your back, take your stance in a position whereby the shadow of your head covers the ball. As you swing, keep your eyes on the shadow. During the swing the shadow will move slightly, however if it moves off the ball you have lost the correct swing center. If the shadow remains on the ball you have kept the swing in the correct position. Repeat this excellent drill daily so as to reinforce good habits that will yield the reults you seek.
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A Rehearsal Routine for Hitting Pinpoint Pitches and Chips
How you make a practice swing when chipping from off the green is especially critical. First of all, you're not just trying to calculate how far you need to hit the ball, you're also trying to determine how high the ball should fly and how much roll you want it to have. Also, a practice stroke helps you to assess the lie, which can range from having a ball that's sunken down in the rough to one sitting high on the collar. All these variables come into play when making a practice swing, which is why I think it's critical that every golfer learn a constant preshot technique.
...Golf Link
"The main idea in golf as in life, I suppose is to learn to accept what cannot be altered and to keep on doing one's own reasoned and resolute best whether the prospect be bleak or rosy." Bobby Jones
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If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook
Finding The Best Golf Training Aids
By: Abhishek Agarwal
Golfing is not about hitting the ball and forcing it into the hole. You need to properly train yourself before you can improve your game. For this purpose there are many training aids available in market now. Although there are many training aid in the market but the main question is which one best suite you and fulfill your needs. There is a wide range of options available in market.
All golf training aid producing companies claim that they are producing the best product. But it is quite likely that they do are not meant for you. Like a cricket player, every golfer is also different from the other. Therefore, all golfers have their own needs and requirements; therefore they will need such a training aid which is designed to meet their requirements. So whenever you decide to buy a golfing aid, you must first decide that which aid you require and then decide for quality and company. This decision is even harder when you are buying a training aid for someone else. For this purpose you must know that how the other person play and what does possibly could be the best training aid for him.
At some stage in life you may come across a situation where you might have to buy a gift for a golf enthusiast. You would always like to present to him the best training aid available but at times you might not know that what should it be? You can carry out research through various means to find out about the best training aid that you can present to someone. Some places where you can look for possible aids are:
1. Internet , 2. Sports stores
Then you should also carry out search in markets at and go through the various types of golf gears available. This would give flexibility to your decision and you can choose the best thing.
There are certain other factors which will also affect your decision, when buying aids for someone else. These are:
1. The needs of the player.
2. They have a hook, poor grip or sloppy swing.
3. What are they getting the training for? Meaning do they want to become professionals or not?
4. They are left or right handed.
These are some questions for which the answers are required. Once the information is gained you can very well decide that what should be the best training aid for the golfer.
Honestly take a stock of your abilities in golfing, when you want the best training aid to fulfill your needs. If you succeed in making the right evaluation and selection, then with a little devotion in the game you can play like professional golfers and moreover stun your mates with your skills in the game.
Abhishek is an avid Golfer! Visit his website www.Golf-Skills.com
More Info On Weighted Golf training Club
Use Your Body For Power
Every good golfer knows that power comes from the body, not the arms. To learn to power the club with your body instead of your arms and hands, put the club behind the ball at address, with your body in a dead-stop position. Without taking a backswing, try to drag the ball into the air. If you're a player who uses his or her hands to control the club, you'll probably struggle at first. However, you'll quickly find that once you start moving the club with your body, you'll begin to get the ball in the air more consistently. This helps you turn fully through the ball on the downswing.
...Golf Tips magazine
High-Moi Putter
Blades milled from carbon steel look and feel nice, but they're not forgiving. Get a putter that's easy to use.
...Golf Tips magazine
How does a player cultivate the proper length of backswing? We are all individuals and our muscle coordination is not the same,therefore it would be foolish to try to force the club to a parallel position at the top of the backswing. Trying to take the clubhead to parallel will not only shorten your distance it will wreck your accuracy as well. So returning to the earlier premise:The club should not go back any further than you can turn your shoulders.
...LPGA tips
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Fri, 24 Aug 2007 00:00:00 GMT
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If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook
Golf Swing Trainers Are A Dime A Dozen
By: Trent
The golf training aid market is a booming market. Golfers are rabid and will pay any amount of money in hopes to play better golf. There is a new golf swing trainer coming out every month it seems like!
I am not against the use of training aids, but am a little skeptical with all the promises some of them make during their commercials or in their print ads. They all promise more distance, accuracy and lower scores.
There are several "tried-and-true" golf swing trainers I still use today that I got over 8 years ago. They are very effective and great to go back to if your swing goes south on you, but some of the newer ones are hokey and not effective.
The most important thing to look at is what the swing trainer does. Is it close to actual movement of a golf swing? Does it seem logical for your golf swing fault? Is it reasonably priced? Can you try it first before you buy it?
There are several out there right now that do not mimic the golf swing and ingrain poor swing mechanics and improper muscle memory habits. I will not bad-mouth that they are, but if it doesn't closely resemble a mechanically sound golf swing, it is not worth spending the money on.
Results! The bottom line!
In the end...did it improve your particular swing fault? Were you able to take it to the course and actually make good swings for 18 holes? So many times golfers buy these golf swing trainers, use them a couple of times, and never see results.
You cannot ever blame the training aid if you don't use it!
Like anything...do it consistently to give it a fair chance. Make a point to use it daily at first. Most of things swing trainers can be used right in your home or even your office, so it's very convenient to use.
Find more valuable and helpful advice on the best golf swing trainers and reviews on golf putting aids at GolfSwingTrainingAid.com
More Info On Indoor Putting Green
Get Behind-There�s no leverage in the golf swing if you�re ahead of the ball. Good players move away from the target slightly in the backswing and don�t pass the ball until after impact.
Find a great golf training aid and improve your game!
Once the motion in your swing has started, there should be no interruption. It should be a smooth flowing motion from start to finish; not a series of abrupt actions. To teach your muscles the proper feel is to realize that the physical movements of the body determine how one swings the club. This is why a correct grip is extremely important since it's the only contact you have with the club and controls the clubface angle.
...PGA professional golf
Used Golf Irons
Level Legs. The lack of traction in bunkers forces the legs to function differently than they do on full shots�they must maintain their flex during the entire swing instead of posting up through impact. This will keep you nice and level through the shot.
Improve your grip with great golf gloves for men before you hit the links again!
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Rose hoping to hit heights again at Wentworth
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<p>Justin Rose has been playing so wretchedly of late that anyone seeing him clambering on to the roof of the old Millennium Dome yesterday morning might well have been tempted to shout up: "Don't do it, Justin. Think of everything you have going for you..."</p>
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How To Become A Successful Golfer
By: Jimmy Cox
This is how the key parts of the body, and not forgetting the club head, need to respond in the correctly shaped downswing, smoothly and unhurriedly applied:
The head has remained in its original position throughout.
It has not "gone" and must not be allowed to "go" with the lateral shift of the lower part of the body.
The shoulders have squared up parallel to the intended line of flight, the left shoulder, remember, still up.
The right elbow has quietly slipped into its groove close to the body, "inside" the left elbow (as it had it at address). The right arm has still not entirely straightened at the elbow and no strain should be felt in this limb.
The stomach as it should have been throughout the backswing and downswing is still retracted, and this control of the stomach has been the more easily retained if you have stayed down to the ball on flexed knees.
The left arm still extended is in line with the shaft which means that the hands are slightly ahead of the ball with the back of the left hand and the palm of the right square to the line of flight.
The left knee has commenced to straighten, not stiffen. (Nothing is stiff in golf.) I prefer to describe it as a "firming up" of the left leg. The outside of the left knee, consequent on the lateral weight-shift, will ideally have gone a fraction beyond a vertical line drawn up from the outside of the left foot.
The right heel has left the ground and such weight as remains on the foot is along the inside of the sole.
The left foot has now taken the major part of the weight which is concentrated on the outside of this foot, again as a result of the lateral shift which has taken place.
The club head has, without any manipulation this way or that, been returned SQUARE to the back of the ball from the inside and is about to be driven through along the line of flight under the build-up of power.
All this has taken place without the body being thrown off balance. In fact you should be solidly balanced with a sense of firmness running right up the left side from the foot to the shoulder.
Now to clear up one controversial point: the popular conception that the downswing starts with the return movement of the left hip while the hands remain passive.
I cannot accept this. I insist that the hands much remain active at all times. Many outstanding players probably feel that the left hip dominates the start of the downswing, and I fancy that this is because they have been playing from early boyhood and hand-action to them has become second nature.
My point is that this passive hands theory can destroy the smoothness of the whole movement because the moment they become active again is likely to result in a sudden quickening of the tempo. You must sense the club head through the hands ALL the time.
What I urge you to concentrate on above all else in the downswing is:
(a) the driving down from a slow measured start with the hands and left arm across the body,
(b) the club under full control behind the hands and
(c) the lateral shift of the lower part of the body.
With a little practice, you downswing will become a strong part of your golfing technique.
Get Personal, Straightforward Advice That Will Instantly Shave Strokes From Your Golf Game! Click here for FREE online Ebook www.freegolflessons.net/
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Sun Mountain Golf Bags
Just about any golf professional can fit you for new clubs. If you don't have anyone specific in mind already, make a few calls. Most clubfitters have several brands of clubs they fit for, but some only fit for one brand. Find out what brands each fitter has available and make sure it's a brand you'll want to buy.
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Golf Car
One more golf tip that could help you is that the golf clubs that must be the main content of your bag must suit your skill level. Since various skill levels need various golf clubs, it won't be wise to just use or bring a golf club that is just lying around. And, don't ever forget about the maximum golfclub load your bag is allowed to hold. You can only bring 14 golf clubs in your bag. No more. No less. Aside from your skill level contemplation, your mastery of a certain golfclub and your being comfortable with using it must also be put into consideration in deciding which golfclub to hit.
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The first thing a beginner or high handicap golfer must learn is motion. Whether it is in golf or any other sport, the correct motion is vitally important in your basic foundation for creating a good golf swing. In order to teach the correct motion, I will break down the whole movement into 5 basic body actions. When my pupils train themselves to make these actions reasonably well in a short period of time they have no trouble playing an enjoyable game of golf
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To check to see if the wrists are in the proper position that was mentioned above, swing the club half-way back about hip-level high with the clubshaft in the position horizontal to the ground. If the left wrist is in this flat position the clubface will be parallel to the target line, or the toe of the club will be pointing vertically towards the sky. Half-way through the forward swing with the shaft horizontal to the ground again the clubface should be parallel to your target line or toe facing upwards towards the sky. In these positions the left wrist has remained in the flat position throughout your entire swing which translates into a solid straight shot on line to your target. Finally, remember that any attempt to hit the ball with your hands will force the wrists out of position, and the cause them to break down which results in wayward shots.
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Sign-up for the new "Just the Fax" Sweepstakes at ScottyCameron.com
Former Major League Baseball Pitcher, Tom House, Helps Build Better Shoulders for Golf on the Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist
Mon, 25 Jul 2005 00:00:00 GMT
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Balancing Your Checkbook And Golf Swing
By: Sean Cochran
We all search for it. Balance in our daily lives. Balance while riding a bike. Politicians are always debating a balanced budget in Washington, and most of us could use a little balance in our checkbooks. Balance is a term used in golf quite often as well. It�s a �buzzword� and almost a clich� when it comes to the golf swing. I am sure you have heard numerous times from swing coaches that �you have to stay balanced when swinging your club.� Others phrases that I hear when we talk about golf and balance are the following: �When it comes to a sand shot, dig your feet into the stand so you can stay balanced,� �If the ball is on an uphill lie and above your feet, make sure you swing through the ball, and stayed balanced,� and �Stay balanced when hitting the driver and get to the finish position in perfect balance.� The list could go on and on, and I am sure all of you could probably add to the short list above.
Two questions always arise in my mind when I hear the word balance in association with golf: 1) what does balance exactly mean, and 2) how do I create balance in my golf swing? I am guessing quite a few of you have these same questions, or similar ones, when you talk about the subject of balance in relation to the golf swing.
I am going to answer both of these questions. We will first define balance and its relation to the golf swing. Secondly, we will discuss how you develop the balance capacities of your body in relation to the golf swing. So without further ado let�s get started.
What is Balance?
This is a really great question and the perfect way to begin. So let�s hear it! What is the definition of balance? Think about it for a minute and then write down a couple of your answers. I understand that this is not the easiest question to answer (trust me, I have asked it plenty of times), and it is okay if you are not able to create a good working definition of balance (that�s part of what we are going to do with this article). Okay, time is up, what did you write down?
Well, let me tell you some of the replies I have received for this question and we will take if from there. Here are just a few that I hear: �head over your belly button between your feet,� �swinging a club on the correct path,� �knowing where your body is in space,� and �kinesthetic awareness.� All of these answers are somewhat correct, but none of them gives us a good sound understanding of what balance really means.
The definition of balance is simply the ability to control your body during movement. Sounds pretty simple, does it not? It really is when you think about it, but let�s break this definition down so we understand it completely. Starting with the first portion of the definition: �the ability to control� means what? Well, it is probably easiest to imagine what �out of control� looks like. Take the mental image of a racecar crashing into the wall. We could describe the car as out of control. Now take the flip side of this, and what would this car look like if it were in control? It would probably zoom around the track without hitting anything. The body is the same; if your body is out of control it will, in a sense, crash or fall over. If the body is in control, then it performs whatever movement you are asking of it without �crashing.� Take the example of a toddler running. Sometimes they get going so quickly that they get out of control and fall over. Other times they stay in control and are able to run.
Moving onto the second part of the definition: �your body.� Pretty easy concept to understand, don�t you think? Your body includes your torso, head, arms, legs, and anything attached to the arms or legs, like a golf club. Up to this point we can put together the first two parts of the definition and summarize it as: the body (including your arms, legs, torso, head, and golf club) must be under control. Let us add the final part of the definition into the mix to complete our understanding.
The final piece of the definition is: �during movement.� This simply means anything your body is doing. It can be walking, running, throwing a baseball, or, in our world, swinging a golf club. Swinging a golf club is �our movement� when discussing this definition. We are now at the point to put the whole definition together. Let us use the example of a golf swing to create the connection we are looking for in terms of the definition.
Balance is the ability of your body (i.e. nerves, muscles, and skeleton) to swing a golf club effectively and efficiently on the correct path without changing the position of your body in such a way that it is detrimental to the swing and its outcome (i.e. contact with the ball). Pretty simple definition when you break it down, and from now on when your swing coach says, �You have to stay balanced,� you know what he is talking about.
Developing Balance in Our Golf Swing
Okay, we now know the definition of balance and its relationship to the golf swing. Now, for the second question of this article: �how do we develop balance in relationship to our golf swing?� This next section will answer this question for you. I would also bet that the answer is not as obvious as it appears.
I will first say that developing balance in your swing is a combination of a couple of factors. The first and probably most obvious factor is mechanics. The golf swing is a biomechanical movement that requires the body to take the club through a specified swing path in a certain sequence and timing. The body must learn the biomechanical movement of a golf swing to become efficient with the movement. As your body becomes aware of the movement, more efficient with the movement, and has a better �feel� for the movement, the concept of balance in your swing will improve. So the first part of developing balance in your swing is linked to the mechanics of the swing and becoming more efficient with these mechanics. This all funnels down to two things: 1) proper instruction about the swing, and 2) practice. Practice, practice, and more practice is necessary to create better balance in your swing.
The second factor has to do with a term that many of you have probably heard before. That term is �muscle memory.� Realize that within your body the skeleton is controlled by your muscles, muscles are controlled by nerves, and the nerves are told what to do by your brain. The messages sent to your muscles through your nerves by the brain create movement (i.e. muscles working to make the body move). These movements can either be efficient or inefficient. Inefficient movements by the muscular system tend to be �sloppy� and �unrefined.� Efficient movements are just the opposite. Efficient movements by your muscular system are refined and technical. Improvement in balance is a result of the latter (i.e. efficient muscular movement). Efficient muscular movement is developed through training the muscles and nerves of your body to become more efficient. This is not done through typical exercises like bench press or leg press, but through stabilization and balance exercises.
As golfers we have our priorities. Let�s get some balance in our golf swing by training our bodies, getting proper instruction, and certainly a lot of practice. Once we�ve got balance there, then we�ll start talking about balancing our checkbook or helping Washington balance the federal budget.
Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA Tour regularly with 2004 Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. He has made many of his golf tips, golf instruction and golf swing improvement techniques available to amateur golfers on the website www.bioforcegolf.com
Hints On Golf Drivers
To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
Learn more about golf clubs today!
You learn to play golf by feel, not mechanics alone. Too much detail is confusing. You cannot think your way through a golf swing. You feel your way!
...PGA professional golf
Golf is played in many different types of weather. The type of weather affects how far the ball travels and its amount of spin. Knowing how the weather conditions affect your ball, therefore, is necessary to making correct club selections.
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A Fitting Achievement.
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Gamez Captures Valero Texas Open Trusting Titleist from Tee-to-Green.
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Golf Bags are definitely a must for Beginner Golfers
by Jimmy Wild
You might be a golf beginner looking for your first set of golf clubs and equipment or a pro shopping for upgrades, but all will agree that golf bags are essential in the game. Next to golf clubs, a golf bag is one of the most important golfing equipment there is.
It is considered a necessity. A good golf bag will lessen your worries on the golf course, (i.e. all your clubs are in their proper place) and you can focus on your teeing.
If youre a beginner golfer, then golf bags are definitely a must. However, there are things that you should know before going to the nearest golf store and buying a golf bag on impulse. First, there are two types of golf bags? carry bags and cart bags.
Carry bags are golf bags that are used when you are planning to have a lot of walking on the golf course. Cart golf bags are those that you use when walking is not possible (as some golf courses prohibit walking), and riding a golf cart is your option. A beginner golfer will most definitely buy a walking bag at first, although if you are a serious beginner of the game, then you will eventually buy both types of golf bags.
If you are a newbie in the game, you might ask 'What is a golf bag for? I only have four golf clubs.' A golf bag is a functional equipment rather than a fashion statement. It is not just for your golf clubs, but it can also hold your other golf equipment and accessories. Some advanced golf bags even have pocket coolers that can keep your drink ice-cold even for hours! You might want to consider that, especially when you will buy a carry golf bag.
When buying a golf bag, especially a carry golf bag, find a comfortable one. One should check the straps to see if it fits comfortably and whether it can be carried easily. Remember that your golf bag will be one of your trusted companions on the greens, and that you will spend hours with it. So choose wisely. Dont buy low quality bags, because you will end up purchasing another bag in the next few months if your old golf bag tears up. You should also buy your golf bag depending on the number of golf clubs that you have. Most golf bags can carry up to 15 golf clubs. A tournament however limits the number of golf clubs in your golf bag.
Another important thing to consider when purchasing a golf bag is its weight. This is one of the most important things to know. Golf bags should be light enough to be carried or carted easily, but sturdy enough to hold your clubs and protect them. Some golf bags are even water resistant, and are rain proofed for the protection of your clubs. Most of these golf bags have 8 or 9 dividers or pockets. Again, the number of dividers that you will need depend on the amount of clubs and accessories you will carry. If you have many golf clubs then choose a golf bag with many dividers. However, these types of golf bags have the tendency to be heavier. Some bags can weigh less than 5 pounds! These types of bags are made up of space-age materials such as graphite, however, they more expensive.
Remember that when buying golf bags, the lighter it is, the better and more comfortable it will be.
To read more articles about Golf: http://www.articlevillage.com/golf-courses/ Jimmy is the publisher of Article Village Directory. You can submit articles, or find free content on articlevillage.com.
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Don't Neglect Your Clubs
There's nothing wrong with throwing your clubs in the trunk after a round, but make sure they get properly cleaned on a regular basis.
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Golf Training Equipment
What do those other numbers mean? You may find another number on the ball such as 80, 90, or 100. That number stands for the compression (essentially, the hardness) of the ball. It takes more strength to hit a 100 compression than an 80 compression. However, most people buy a golf ball according to how it "feels". Usually the higher compression ball feels more solid. The lesser compression feels softer and "gives" more. Feel is different for everyone so buy one which feels right for you. A ball with no number generally means it's a 90 compression ball, the one most people use.
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Be sure to check the location of the ball with clubs aligned on the ground. Step away to check that you are positioning the ball properly. Ask someone to double-check your positioning. It is hard, without alignment tape or clubs, to visually gauge the proper placement of the ball.
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Kingston Captures South African Airways Open for First Career PGA European Tour Title
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The Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!
3 Important Golf Tips for Beginners
By: Dean R. Iggo
Starting in the game of golf can be confusing with all of the equipment available, people offering you free tips, and the feeling that you have to take everything so seriously. There are three golf tips for beginners that I was given by my instructor when I started, and that has really been a big help to me.
1. Don�t Break the Bank With Your First Set of Clubs
As a beginner, you are not going to get all of the benefits that come from a top of the line set of golf clubs. As a beginner, you are not going to have the consistent contact or club head speed needed. Instead, think about buying a cheaper set, or better yet, get yourself a used set. You may also be able to use a free set from one of your more experienced friends until you figure out which clubs would be best for you.
2. Be Aware of Who is Giving You Instruction
Your friends, relatives, and sometimes people who don�t even know you will think they have the golf tips for beginners that will fix all of your problems. Granted, if you have friends who are pretty good golfers, it may help to listen to them when you are first starting. However, to really understand the game, as a beginner, get your instruction from a professional. Golf pros are experienced in fixing swing problems and explaining things to you in terms of how they affect ball flight. Lessons are available at most any golf course, and even just a couple will really help set a good foundation for your game.
3. Enjoy Yourself
It may sound simple, but one of the best golf tips for beginners is to just have fun with the game. Keep in mind that you are probably not going to be getting your PGA card. Being competitive is fine, and of course you are going to want to continue to improve, but golf is a leisure game. Take your time out there and have fun with your friends.
These three golf tips for beginners can make all of the difference in the world. If you just get the right clubs to start, take instruction from those who know the game, and have fun, then golf will be a great way for you to spend your leisure time.
Dean R. Iggo is a golf enthusiast with a single figure handicap. He is also the webmaster of www.improve-your-golf-swing.com
More Info On Weighted Golf training Club
Golf is played in many different types of weather. The type of weather affects how far the ball travels and its amount of spin. Knowing how the weather conditions affect your ball, therefore, is necessary to making correct club selections.
...The Golf Channel
Properly Fitted Shoes
The importance of a solid pair of golf shoes that fit can't be overlooked.
...Golf Tips magazine
Titanium Offset Fairway Woods
If you order your clubs online, you might be able to provide a series of measurements (i.e., arm length) for a "cyberfitting." For those purposes, that's fine. But if you are going to a real clubfitting, make sure it will include hitting balls outside where the ball flight can be observed. Hitting into a net simply doesn't provide the necessary feedback because the pro won't see ball flight.
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Four Tours. Four Victories. One Ball.
Mon, 14 Aug 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Dean Wilson Leads Titleist Sweep with First Career Win at The International
Total Body Training with PGA Tour Player Troy Matteson on the Next ''Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist''
Mon, 14 May 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Learn exercises to target the chest, core and legs and improve strength and stability in the golf swing.
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Why your golf swing mechanics are important
by Brent Bonnett
When it comes to your golf swing, it is composed of many different factors that work together to create golf swing mechanics. Understanding golf swing mechanics will help you determine exactly what part of your golf swing you need to work on. With the concept of golf swing mechanics under your belt, you will soon be on your way to scoring better and impressing your golf playing partners. To avoid slices, hooks, or golf shots that fly too high or too low, you will need to work on your golf swing mechanics. If you are a beginner golfer or if you are an experienced golfer with an important tournament coming up, it is a good time to learn about golf swing mechanics and what you can do to improve your personal golf swing.
Golf swing mechanics is one of the major factors in determining your golf swing power and the distance you will get out of your driver, woods, and irons. Along with equipment and golf strength, golf swing mechanics is essential to getting the power you want out of your golf swing.
Golf instruction is invaluable when it comes to golf swing mechanics. Especially for beginner golfers, lessons from a golf teaching professional can help you perfect your golf swing mechanics and fix any errors you have in your golf swing. With lessons, you will learn the best grip, stance, ball position, swing plane, and other essentials.
A great tool for understanding the best golf swing mechanics is a golf swing training aid. A golf swing trainer will glide your golf club along the exact swing path that you want to copy, and you can learn how a good swing feels so you can replicate it later on the golf course. Golf swing trainers and other swing teaching aids can easily be found at a number of web sites online.
Besides instruction, the next best thing you can do for your golf swing is to practice. Every week you should spend time on the driving range to work on your golf swing mechanics. The best golfers in the world are constantly practicing their skills, and without this dedication you wont see any improvement in your game. Keep in mind that the golf course is not the appropriate place for golf practice such as hitting multiple balls.
Remember, if you dont get your body in good golfing shape or if you dont play with golf equipment that is appropriate for your skill level and playing style, no matter how hard your work to perfect your golf swing mechanics, you will not see the scoring results that you want.
Author: Brent has a site all about golf at Golf Swing. There you will find useful articles, tips, news and other resources for all your golfing needs.
More Info On Golf Wedges
To start with a proven ball position. Moving a golf ball even two inches forward or back in your stance can make a great deal of difference in shot consistency. Start with the ball a couple of inches inside the left heel. After you master this consistent ball position, you can experiment with other ball positions. However, a ball too far to the front of your stance will increase the chances of a slice by encouraging an outside-to-inside swing. A ball too far back in the stance will make it difficult to get the clubface closed by impact and may cause a push or a push slice.
...Golf Help
The clubhead should be descending at impact with the exception of the Driver and the Putter. What is meant by descending angle of approach?
...Learn About Golf
Most golfers set their driver on the ground at address. This results in a high percentage of driver shots being hit on the heel-side of the face, especially when we tee the ball higher. Test yourself this way: The next time you are at the range and set up to hit your driver, once in the address position stretch your arms out and move the club up to the ball's height. Notice where the ball is going to contact the face of your driver? On the heel side � or possibly the hosel � of your driver.
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Be sure to check out Club Glove's Last Bag�it's indestructible.
...Golf Tips magazine
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PGA Tour Pro Charles Warren Demonstrates a Total Body Warmup Routine on the Next Episode of “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist”
Tue, 05 Jun 2007 00:00:00 GMT
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If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook
Is Your Practice Swing Better Than Your Real Swing?
By: Jonathan Barrett
Why is my practice swing often better than my real golf swing?
When I understood the answer to this question it made a big difference to my golf swing. How many golfers do you see on the tee making a nice free practice swing and then duff or slice the ball with their real swing? It happens doesn't it, it happens a lot. Well, I came to realise that when I understood the journey that the golf club needs to take around your body then I also realised where so many amateur golfers were going wrong with the difference between their practice swing and their real swing.
You see when you understand that the golf swing is about technique not aggression then your body starts to work differently.
When you make your practice swing you remain relaxed and free moving. When you make your real swing you immediately start to tense the big muscles in your body particularly your back and shoulders. Your brain starts telling you body 'look guys if we want to hit this ball a mile then we need to put loads of effort it' - WRONG!
Next time you swing - remember to keep your back and shoulder muscles relaxed so that your real swing is as good and as free as your practice swing.
Remember the proper and most efficient golf swing is all about technique not aggression.
The answer to this question lies in the way we think the golf swing works - we need to convince ourselves that the Pro Golfers swing works - Power without effort - and we too will follow their lead.
A good exercise to demonstrate that loose muscles work better than tense muscles is to try running down your garden with loose muscles then tense your muscles and try again - the difference is dramatic isn't it and the golf swing is no different, we need to keep our muscles relaxed for them to work effectively.
Tensing prior to moving doesn't help - you need to relax to let your muscles work properly at the right point in your swing.
One of the main problems that generates this tensing motion is caused by the way many amateur golfers practice. How many golfers have you seen at the golf range who go straight for their driver and start trying to knock the ball out of the range? Many I would guess. These golfers are simply trying too hard. Golfers should concentrate on accuracy on the range not distance i.e. how close can I hit it to a line from me to the target?
One way of practising that takes out the need to try and knock the skin off the ball is to use plastic balls, you know the ones you can by from the golf shop. Once you start hitting these balls you quickly realise you can't hit these balls 300 yards so don't try to. It results in you concentrating far better on technique. They also have the added benefit that you only need about 30 yards of space to practice in.
Jon Barrett WAS a frustrated golfer who studied the golf swing for 5 years...read about his eye opening concepts: www.golfswingeureka.com
Tips About Golf Irons
When you want to get some extra distance out of your drives, it�s natural to think that your right or dominant hand (for right-handed golfers) should supply the power. In reality, however, maximum power is a result of a left-hand lead.
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Cobra Golf Irons
Two basics of golf shafts that beginners should most pay attention to are shaft composition (steel or graphite) and shaft flex (how much the shaft bends during the swing). Graphite is lighter and can help generate swing speed; steel is more durable and cheaper. Women and seniors will most likely benefit from graphite shafts with a softer flex. Younger, stronger men might go with regular or stiff shafts, but keep in mind that most teaching pros say many golfers use shafts that are too stiff.
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Today's Golf News
Titleist Tour Report: Ford Championship
Fri, 03 Mar 2006 00:00:00 GMT
This week's Titleist Tour Report from the Ford Championship at Doral features PGA Tour player Ryan Palmer.
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Golf Tools, Gearing up nicely for Golfing
by Khaled Naser
Like all other sports, golf needs that you are geared up with the best equipments to properly play the game. This paper gives you an idea of the standard golf tools one requires to be able to learn and play golf properly.
For the novice, the main golf tool is a golf ball. Golf balls are dimpled tiny balls, use in to play golf. They are dimpled to go far when driven by golf clubs.
Also another important golf tool is a golf club or golf driver. Golf drivers come in too many varieties. This is because a golf course has too many kinds of landscapes and different golf clubs are required to make the best drive. Depending on the landscape, if sand, grass or cement, a golf club is important to make the perfect drive. Expert golfers usually have a case or two of golf clubs to cater to their golf requirements. Most golf stores and sports tool store sell golf clubs. Some golf clubs are sold in sets while other are sold alone.
To take care of your golf equipment, such as your golf club, a golf bag golf club cover is important. A golf bag will, for sure, hold your golf club in one place and will make it more easy for your caddy to bring your many golf clubs. Golf bags can also hold golf balls and also other golf equipment such as water bottle to quench your thirst while under the beautiful sun or extra shirt or your regular shoes. On the other hand, a golf club cover covers the edge of your golf club. This is done so to protect your golf club from unwanted scratches and dents. Dents can cause your drive to go from good to bad. Dents in golf clubs can affect the drive of your golf ball. With these golf tools, you can take care of the state of your club and your rich sport.
One golf tool that you also need to invest on is a nice pair of golf shoes. Golf shoes are different from standard rubber shoes or jogging shoes. Golf shoes are made to walk on greens - the type where the sport is played. Golf shoes usually have pointed rubber under the soles to grip the earth and sand under your feet. This way, unnecessary shaking or moving is prevented. This is useful because shaking can cause you to not hit the golf ball or to hit the golf ball in the wrong way. If you plan to play good golf a nice pair of golf shoes is a important golf tool to add up to your list. Choose one that is sturdy yet comfortable enough for you to walk into. Golf is a sport that requires walking from one hole to the other or to where your ball goes (you can not use golf carts on the greens) and thus, if your golf shoes are no good, you would have a hard time playing your game.
A golf tool usually provided by most golf courses (aside from the golf ball) is the tee. The tee is the tiny pin like thing that you punch to the ground to stand your ball into. The tee is use in teeing off (the start of your first drive) thus the name.
The most great golf tool ever created (for me, that is) is the golf cart. Golf carts can take you from one hole to the other, though as I said earlier they are not allowed on the greens, they still lessen the burden of having to walk under the hot sun. This golf equipment can be acquired from golf courses. Golf players are normally made to use golf tool such as this to give them a good and easier time playing the game.
Many specialty shops and sport shops offer golf tools. The internet is also a great source of golf equipment. Used golf tools are even auctioned off the internet, if you are on a tight budget. Check out your golf shop, sports shop, specialty shops, E-bay or Yahoo! for your golf equipment requirements.
About the author:
Khaled Naser is working in Engineering for several years and has been writing for quite some time. His article directory at Team77.com carries a lot of useful articles and reviews.
More Info On Golf PutterCustom Golf Putters
Playing The Game. Mechanical thoughts, especially during the backswing, have no place on the golf course. Swing issues and technical moves should be worked out on the practice range. On the course, focus on positive downswing thoughts like �accelerate through impact� and �finish with the right shoulder toward the target.� Avoid negative thoughts by visualizing the ballflight you�re trying to produce, and swing with that image in mind. A consistent preshot routine helps.
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Golf truly is a great equalizer because it doesn't discriminate. Finally, the wonderful saying "What the mind conceives, the body can achieve" really drives home this point that the only limits we have in our lives are in our "minds".
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Kirk Hanefeld: Diary of a Champions Tour Rookie #2
Wed, 17 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Kirk Hanefeld, Director of Golf Operations at The International in Bolton, Massachusetts and Titleist Staff Member for 25 years, does not turn 50 until May 24, but he secured his Champions Tour card for 2006 with an impressive runner-up finish at Qualifying School in November. This is the second installment of what will be a periodic feature on titleist.com chronicling Kirk's rookie season on the Champions Tour.
The Power of Momentum
Mon, 02 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Adam Scott Captures Shell Houston Open Trusting New Pro V1 Golf Ball, 907D2 Driver
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This is the secret you've been searching for. The
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Golf Clubs and Golf Wedges
by Gordon Petten
It was during 1980 that the golf clubs started gaining popularity. As more and more people were attracted towards golf clubs, this aspect led to improvements of golf club construction and design. The basic improvements were made in the following aspects. * Making the ball to go straighter and making the golf club to compensate for swing error. This is known as forgiveness in golf terminology. * Enable the golf ball to move further and property of hard hitting of the golf club. This is termed as distance.
The basic principle of the golf is 'hit farther and straighter. Perimeter weighing, designing the golf club with low center of gravity and large sweet spot are the basic criteria of a golf club. Golf clubs which posses the above qualities is termed as game improvement golf club. However, there are only few golf clubs that meets the criteria. After having understood the basic requirements of game improvement golf clubs, let us elaborate about these basic criteria. * Perimeter Weighting: In simple words perimeter weighting indicates that the weight of the golf club is not positioned at the center and the head is positioned around the perimeter of golf club. Small spot is the basic requirement for heating hard the ball at perfect dead center. This small sweet spot allows you to put more physical force on the golf ball impact point. This facilitates you in hitting a longer shot. Perimeter weighting is considered essential for optimum forgiveness attribute of the golf club. * Low Center of Gravity: Popularity of low center gravity golf clubs is on increase in the golfers. Designing golf clubs with concept of low center of gravity enables hitting the golf ball high into the air as the weight is shifted to the club bottom. Golfer who do not have problem in hitting the golf ball high in the air may not give more importance to the property of low center gravity. But for those who have problem in the hitting golf ball high in the air, lower center of gravity plays major role in improving their game. Tungsten golf clubs pay more attention towards low center of gravity as tungsten is considered heavier that steel and tungsten allows golf club to have more weight. * Large Sweet Spot: Usually, the large sweet spot is created with the design of perimeter weighting. This is the important place to make contact with the golf ball. Larger sweet spot is considered to be swing errors increasing. Shifting of perimeter weighting is considered to be the best way to hit the ball high in the air and correcting toe-miss-hits.
Golf Wedges Golf wedges usually comes in different degree lofts. Most preferred degree loft wedges are 46, 52, 56, 60 and 64 degree lofts. Following are the few types of golf wedges. * Gun metal golf wedges: These golf wedges are with 65 degree loft. Gun metal wedges bears sophisticated and sleek look. It gives slippery feel though this will not have any effect on your game. * Designer Wedges: These golf wedges are color coded and colors are suggestive of degree lofts. For example Green (64), Red (60), Blue(56), Yellow (52) and Bronze (46). These golf wedges have proprietary Plasma finish.
Usually, specifications of all golf wedges are identical. You have to choose the right golf wedge that will facilitate you to hit the ball hard and straight.
Golf Clubs and Golf Wedges
Tips About Hybrid Golf Club
Used Golf Irons
There are two important golf swing tips to be made about your grip. The first is do not hold the club to tightly. If you're a beginner you might feel as if the club might fly out of your hands if you don't grip it tightly. Don't worry it won't, this is one of the important golf improvement techniques. By not holding the club to tightly you ensure the club face can come around and be square to the ball at impact, holding to tightly can cause a slice or hook in your shots.
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Titanium Fairway Woods
If you've ever taken a golf lesson, then you know most instructors will take a golf swing analysis by video taping your swing. From there they will pin point one or two areas to work on. The trouble with this technique is most of us will only take one or two lessons per season, play a good round or two then we're back into our old habits. The teacher isn't there all the time to refer to when we have questions, not to mention taking any more then a couple of lessons each year can break the bank in a hurry.
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Titanium Offset Fairway Woods
Golf Grip Technique: This point is often overlooked by most amateur and weekend golfers, yet your golf grip is the steering wheel of the golf swing. It's the only point of contact our body makes with the club. There are three optional grips you can use. The overlapping, interlocking, and baseball grip. You're best to choose either the overlapping or interlocking grip. We'll leave the description of these three grips to another article, on golf grip tips if you're not familiar with these grips then take a moment to read it.
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Golf Related News
The Hacker: Royal Birkdale's dunes are ideal vantage point for not-so-mobile
Sun, 04 May 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>If you have never been to The Open, there is no better course at which to make your debut than this year's venue of Royal Birkdale, which stages the greatest of all championships from 17 to 20 July.</p>
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Discover How Golfers Use This Simple Golf Swing eBook And Audio Course As Their Secret Training Tool In Their Quest For Lower Scores.
Winning Golf Resort Vacations
By: Winifred Holstone
Sun, sand, blue skies . . . and golf? If this sounds like your idea of paradise, then a golf resort vacation could be the ideal retreat you've been looking for.
Golf is a universal sport, and so there are wonderful golf courses virtually anywhere you're willing to travel. Here are just a few of the world's favorite golf resort destinations:
* Hawaiian Islands
Hawaii's many golf resorts offer the ultimate sports vacation. There are six glorious islands, each offering resorts that have been created just for golfers. Every day is the perfect day to golf in Hawaii, so it's an ideal year-round destination for avid golfers. No wonder so many of the world's leading golf course architects and athletes make the trip to experience the pinnacle of golf resorts. Kauai, Oahu, and Maui are popular for golf resorts that dreams are made of.
Hawaii's Maui island is home to some of the world's most impressive golf resorts. These little pieces of paradise offer sweeping views of the Maui coastline and glimpses of neighboring Lanai and Molokai islands. Humpback whales can be seen swimming along the coastline in winter, presenting Hawaiian golfers with yet another amazing site to add to the greens. A Maui golf resort is a true golfer's paradise, with spectacular scenic views of mountains and oceans, challenging golf courses and sloping terrains.
Given the extreme beauty and excitement of a Hawaiian golf resort vacation, it can be difficult to book a tee time. Despite the fact that these resorts can be more expensive, they are not always able to accommodate all of the golfers wishing to spend time on the greens.
* California
No "World's Best Golf Resorts" list is complete without naming some of the destinations found in Southern California. Home to many of the golf's most historic events, California golf resorts are among the best in the world, often chosen for International tournaments.
California offers a combination of natural beauty, perfect climate and genuine elegance, making it the perfect choice for business and for pleasure. Among the state's many celebrated places to play are the Double Tree Golf Resort, Pala Mesa Golf Resort and Mount Woodson. Whether you tee off with a view of the ocean, or a glimpse of those majestic mountains, California can be a truly remarkable place to spend your golf vacation.
* Golf Resorts in Michigan
The state of Michigan has earned the reputation as "America's Summer Golf Capital". There are 1000 golf resorts and courses, offering first-rate services and placing Michigan in 12th place on Golf Digest's list of best golf destinations in the world. In fact, four of America's Top 75 golf courses are located in Michigan. Clear waters, breathtaking vistas and lush fairways hook first-time visitors, and keep them coming back time and again.
* Golf Resorts in Florida
You can golf till you drop in Florida, because this state has more golf courses and golf resorts than you could begin to imagine. Of course, the golf courses and resorts in Florida offer first-rate facilities and amenities, from their pro golf shops and putting greens to the driving ranges, bars and restaurants.
Over the years, Florida has played host to many golf tournaments, including the international PGA and LPGA tours. In Florida, golf is nothing short of outstanding. With excellent accommodations and the best in dining, it's everything that a golfer could want in a golf resort vacation.
* Myrtle Beach Golf Resorts
Myrtle Beach is known as the "World's Golfing Capital", and home to first-rate golf resorts. With so many golf courses situated in and around Myrtle Beach, it would be difficult to find another place in the world that matches the sheer density of options.
* Golf Resorts in Ireland
You can search the world over, but nothing beats Ireland for real excitement, rugged challenges, excellent vistas and world-class golfing amenities. While it may not fit the typical "resort destination" bill, a golf vacation in Ireland is an experience that no golfer should live without.
If golfing is your passion, then consider a golf resort for your next getaway. With any luck, your spouse loves the sport as much as you do, and you can share the fun and excitement of your dream vacation.
Contributor Winifred Holstone writes for numerous web sites http://susaq.com/
Tips About Beginners Golf training Aid
Womens Golf Drivers And Fairway Woods
Through The Navel. An extension of the shaft at address should point at your navel. This ensures that the body is bent over the proper amount and is far enough from the ball.
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Speed Controls Distance-The seemingly obvious fact that the sand (not the club) moves the ball out of the bunker is often misunderstood. To control the distance your bunker shots travel, you have to be able to manage the speed of the sand, which isn�t as difficult as you might imagine. The length of the swing is irrelevant�it�s the speed of the clubhead that really matters. Practice pitching sand out of a bunker until you can consistently control how far it goes, and only then add a golf ball to the equation.
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Often the difference between a strong, powerful swing and a misguided hack is the tendency to hit, rather than stroke, the ball. The difference can be seen when examining a short putt, when it is easy to stroke the ball. Hitting is not an option for a short putt, which makes it the easiest shot in golf. No desire to hit the ball allows a stroking, swinging motion. Perfect this technique for short-distance shots and you will find increasing accuracy and distance with your long shots as well.
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The Golfing World
Golf Article Of The Month
The Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!
Golf Swing - Few Tips To Improve Golf Swing
By Arturas Gotceitas
Golf swing is most important part in whole golf game . If you have a nice golf swing you are a winner. Improving your golf swing is not an easy job . It takes time and practice to improve your swing.
There are few basic things you need to know to start improving your golf swing . Firstly you need to know golf swing sequence. If you know golf swing sequence you may develop good golf swing . Second thing on which you should focus is golf grip. Choosing right golf grip will lead to more accurate and more powerful shots. Mastering these basics will gradually improve your swing.
Here are some tips to improve your golf swing.
Practice at all possible weather conditions .This will help you to make your golf swing better. Practicing in different weather will help you to improve your swing faster.
Like every sport golf requires muscle power . You need to train your core muscles. You could do this by taking simple rotational exercises. I train it by throwing weighted medicine balls. Well built core muscles will lead you to more powerful swings.
Another great golf swing tip is to make a record of your game play. Watching and analyzing your own mistakes will improve your golfing skills. This method is used by professional golf players.
Improving back swing is important too. Backswing is a start of golf swing . Backswing starts in the leg and the hips. Your whole golf swing are affected by how good your backswing is.
Developing those fundamental things will lead you to much better golf swing.
Do you want to improve golf swing but you don't know where to start ? Visit my blog for some useful golf swing tips http://simplegolfs.blogspot.com
Learn More About Hybrid Golf Club
To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
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There are certain terms used in golf such as albatross or double-eagle, eagle, birdie, par, bogey, double bogey, and triple and quadruple bogies. There are also two forms of playing golf and these are known as match play and stroke play and the former alludes to every player playing each hole as a separate contest with another player while the latter alludes to every player counting the number of strokes taken for the entire round or tournament to arrive at a total scoreAnyone who is interested in improving their golf game and lowering their golf handicap will benefit from custom made golf clubs... Custom made golf clubs are one of the most overlooked aspects in golf.
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When starting the downswing the shoulders should be passive, allowing the forward motion of the legs to pull the right shoulder down and forward, squaring the shoulders to the target line at impact. If the shoulders have moved into an open position (facing to the left of the target) prior to impact, the clubhead will travel outside-to-inside of the target line. This brings the clubhead over the ball promoting an over the top move.
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